Assault and Battery in Texas: An In-Depth Guide by Criminal Defense Attorney Steven Clary

Assault and Battery in Texas: An In-Depth Guide by Criminal Defense Attorney Steven Clary

When facing assault and battery charges in Texas, particularly in Dallas County, Collin County, Ellis County, Kaufman County, and Rockwall County, having a knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense attorney is crucial. Steven Clary, a dedicated Texas criminal defense attorney, is committed to providing the best possible legal representation to his clients. With extensive experience and a proven track record of success in these counties, Steven is adept at handling assault and battery cases, ensuring that his clients' rights are protected and that they receive a fair trial.

Understanding Assault and Battery Charges in Texas

In Texas, the term "assault" encompasses both assault and battery charges. Assault is defined as intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury, threatening another with imminent bodily injury, or causing physical contact that is offensive or provocative. The severity of the assault charges depends on factors such as the type of injury, whether a weapon was used, and the victim's relationship to the defendant. A thorough understanding of the differences between misdemeanor and felony assault charges, as well as the potential consequences, is essential for building a strong defense.

Defending Against Assault Charges

Steven Clary's expertise in Texas criminal law enables him to craft an effective defense strategy tailored to each client's specific situation. When defending against assault charges, Steven considers various factors, including the events leading up to the incident, the credibility of witnesses, and the evidence presented by the prosecution. By meticulously examining these elements, Steven can identify potential weaknesses in the prosecution's case and develop a robust defense.

Self-Defense and Other Defenses

In assault and battery cases, several defenses can be employed depending on the circumstances. Self-defense, defense of others, and defense of property are common defenses that can be utilized when the accused reasonably believed that force was necessary to protect themselves, another person, or their property. Other potential defenses include consent, mistake of fact, and the lack of intent to cause harm. As an experienced criminal defense attorney, Steven Clary is skilled in presenting these defenses and challenging the prosecution's case, increasing the chances of a favorable outcome for his clients.

Penalties and Consequences

The penalties for assault and battery in Texas can vary widely, depending on the specifics of the case. Misdemeanor assault charges can result in fines, probation, and up to one year in jail, while felony assault charges can lead to substantial fines and lengthy prison sentences. Additionally, a conviction can have long-lasting consequences on a person's life, including difficulties finding employment and housing. Steven Clary's aggressive representation ensures that his clients receive the best possible outcome, whether that involves a dismissal, reduced charges, or an acquittal.


If you or a loved one is facing assault and battery charges in Texas, particularly in Dallas County, Collin County, Ellis County, Kaufman County, or Rockwall County, trust in the expertise of Steven Clary, an exceptional criminal defense attorney who is dedicated to fighting for the justice you deserve. Steven's experience, knowledge, and unwavering commitment to your case will guide you through the legal process and help you achieve the best possible outcome. Contact Steven Clary's law office today to secure the expert legal representation you need in your assault and battery case.